Starting 25 May 2018 The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) came into effect and companies were forced to provide solutions that are compliant with the new regulation. Publishers were faced with the need to collect, store and respect user consent in regards to the use of their personal data and users were seeking a way to manage their digital identity and decide which entities should have access to their personal data. In order to mitigate the publisher's risk of breaching GDPR, Oriel proposed a SaaS solution for collecting and managing user consent.
The solution was based on the Transparency & Consent Framework (“TCF”) for building a Consent Management Platform (“CMP”) offered by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (“IAB”). The final solution contained the following:
CMP Widget
A configurable widget that the publisher would load inside the website. The TCF compliant widget was built using JavaScript and Preact and allowed users to give (or revoke) consent for the publisher to share the user's personal data with third parties. The widget offered granular consent, meaning that the user is able to decide for which purposes his personal data will be used (E.g. Content selection, delivery, reporting, etc.)
Website Scanner
A tool that the publishers can use to scan their website in order to see if they are in breach of GDPR. The tool scans the website and creates a report with all the cookies and trackers divided using a proprietary scoring algorithm into 3 categories: High Risk, Medium Risk, and Low risk.
Oriel dashboard
A dashboard where the clients could customize the look and feel of the widget, configure the widget for each website they own, get a view of their website analytics, scan the website in order to see if they are GDPR compliant, see billing details and upgrade/downgrade their pricing plan.
Oriel website
The company website, which was the main entry-point of the solution, provided the user with a light scan of their website to see if they are GDPR compliant and a smooth onboarding process for the new customers.
- Landing Page
- Onboarding tutorial and Tooltips Engine
- Overview / Dashboard with stats
- Aggregated stats - monthly, weekly, daily and hourly
- Payment system - SaaS with 4 different pricing plans (Stripe integration)
- Export XLS and CSV
- Freemium Access Capabilities / Limitations based on the current plan
- Email Notifications Engine
- Data Security (Encryption)
- Permissions
- Administration Panel (Users, Stats, Websites, etc)
- Tracking and Usage
- Support Center (via 3rd party Crisp)
- Cookie/Tracker Scanner
- Scoring cookies/tracking algorithm
- Consent Management Widget
- Localization support (for Widget)
- Multiple SDKs for easy installation of the CMP (PHP, Wordpress, Drupal, Python, Django, Java, and Node.js)